Monday 13 January 2025 12:03:07 PHT

Villa Alzhun Tourist Inn & Restaurant

Add your own review of Villa Alzhun Tourist Inn & Restaurant.

Average Visitor Rating

This is how 2 visitors rated Villa Alzhun Tourist Inn & Restaurant:

Feature Visitor Rating Number of Ratings
Booking:Excellent 1
Arrival:Average 2
Location:Average 2
Room:Poor 2
Facilities:Poor 2
Service:Poor 2
Staff:Poor 2
Cleanliness:Poor 2
Restaurant:Poor 2
Food:Poor 2
Price:Average 1
Overall:Poor 2

Please note that these ratings are based on reviews made by self-selected visitors of this site.

What visitors say...

2 reviews found.

Dr. Jochen Range | Saturday, 15 January 2011 | Rating: Good

The personnel is very kind and try to fulfill all wishes of the consumer. Wifi is working and without additional charge. We feel always welcomed.

Jeanne Chua Mendoza | Monday, 25 January 2010 | Rating: Very Poor

It was a big disappointment to chose Villa Alzhun from the numerous available hotels or pension houses in Bohol. We paid in full via bank transfer the rate per person (Php4,850) for 3 days 2 nights stay including day tour packages before Jan. 21,2009 the date of our arrival in Bohol. These are the following reasons why Villa Alzhun should think hundred times before accepting booking from Customer: (1) Staff are not well-trained. I was asking for ice for my iced tea on our last dinner at around 8pm. The waiter/guy who served us told me that there is no available ice (they run out of it) and that i needed to wait because somebody was still buying it. Maybe about 10 minutes, i followed it up only to find out that there was no ice being bought and that there was really no ice at all. (2) The hot and cold shower in room (303) where my husband, my 2 year old kid and i stayed was not working. We asked why. The maintenance guy told us to wait for 10 minutes while the shower is on before the hot shower will operate successfully. We did but it didn't work. We instead used the electric kettle to make the water warm so that my son could take his bath. (3) The shower curtain was so moldy and the floor mat was so dirty that we need to ask them to change it. This was our first day!!!! (4) We brought our swimwear only to find out that the swimming pool is not well-maintained. The water was not clear! (5) The fruit salad which they served on our first lunch was scanty (only spoonful and that's it). (6) They served us foods which are very similar with one another - fish fillet with different sauces. These were served during lunch and dinner. The foods are poorly cooked.