Thursday 24 October 2024 16:21:03 PHT

Flower Garden Resort

Add your own review of Flower Garden Resort.

Average Visitor Rating

This is how 2 visitors rated Flower Garden Resort:

Feature Visitor Rating Number of Ratings
Booking:Average 1
Arrival:Poor 1
Location:Very Poor 1
Room:Good 1
Facilities:Very Poor 1
Service:Very Poor 1
Staff:Very Poor 1
Cleanliness:Good 1
Price:Poor 1
Overall:Poor 1

Please note that these ratings are based on reviews made by self-selected visitors of this site.

What visitors say...

2 reviews found.

Cecilia | Monday, 20 December 2010

First we want to travel to Bohol but according from some friends it is not recommended to go there. Beach is nothing really special, very expensive and lots of mosquitos. For the asking price it is not even worth it. They not even give you a special rate eventhough the hotel was almost empty. - We decided to go somewhere else instead, Palawan is one destination.

james and karen | Saturday, 17 October 2009 | Rating: Poor

Not impressed. Invisible staff, pool the size of a bathtub and we didn't have any water to wash or shower until someone turned it on the following morning, by which time we decided to find somewhere else. Owner didn't seem interested that we were leaving but then again, he was german as are 99% of the resort owners and tourists.coming from the UK, I found it intimidating and the whole alona beach area very expensive and nowhere as good as Boracay.