Friday 07 February 2025 00:49:54 PHT

Search results for 'siya'

10 Tagalog words found.

he siya siya
he Verb, Third person singular (he/she/it, his/her), Topic or Nominative case siya siya
he Verb, Third person singular (he/she/it, his/her), Topic or Nominative case siyang siya
he Verb, Third person singular (he/she/it, his/her), Topic or Nominative case siyay siya
saddle angkasanan siya
she siya siya
she slya siya
she Verb, Third person singular (he/she/it, his/her), Topic or Nominative case siya siya
she Verb, Third person singular (he/she/it, his/her), Topic or Nominative case siyang siya
she Verb, Third person singular (he/she/it, his/her), Topic or Nominative case siyay siya

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