Sunday 06 October 2024 22:32:12 PHT

Search results for 'tipi, matigas, buo'

20 Tagalog words found.

altogether sa hingpit buo
entire bug'os buo
entire hingpit buo
entire lubos buo
entire lunsay buo
entire tibuuk buo
whole tibuuk buo
whole Adjective tibuok buo
obstinate Adjective gahian matigas matigdas, batul
rigid pinikito matigas
rigid strikto matigas
rigid tikig matigas
rigid tuhoy matigas
rigid Adjective magahi matigas matigdas
stiff gahi matigas
stiff tuskig matigas
stiff Adjective magahi matigas matig-a, matiskug
unbending Adjective dili-malubay matigas matig-a, di-mabawod
solid Adjective magahi tipi, matigas, buo matig-a
solid Adjective tibuok tipi, matigas, buo matig-a

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