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Hiligaynon-English Dictionary

Search the complete text of Kaufmann's 1934 Visayan-English Dictionary.

Searching for prefix* in all English words. 72 entries found; entries 11 to 20 are shown.

ha—, A prefix denoting a chance coincidence, reciprocity or separation, but used mostly for euphony's sake without any apparent change of meaning. (cf. hi—).
hi-, A prefix identical in meaning with ha-, e.g. higúgma, hagúgma.
i—, A prefix used:—

1.) in forming all the passive tenses of many verbs having a passive in "i". Many verbs indicating an action that removes something from the agent belong to this class, as: to sell, send, throw, pay, give, hand over to (balígyà, padalá, pilák, báyad, hátag, túnghol), etc. In the forms with gina—and gin—the "i—" is either prefixed or (now commonly) left out entirely, whilst in the forms with paga—and pag—the "i—" comes between the root and paga—or pag—, e.g. hátag—to give. Iginahátag (ginahátag) níya iní sa ákon. He is giving me this. Iginhátag (ginhátag) níya iní sa ákon. He gave me this. Pagaihátag gid níya iní sa ákon. He will surely give me this. Walâ níya pagihátag iní sa ákon. He did not give me this. Indì níya pagihátag iní sa ákon. He will not give me this. Ihátag iní sa ákon. Give me this, etc.

2.) in expressing the idea of—the means by which—,—the instrument with which—, a thing is done, e.g. búhat—to make. Ibúhat iníng káhoy sang ákon baláy. Make use of this wood for building my house. Bakál—To buy. Iníng tátlo ka mángmang ibakál mo sing bág-o nga kálò. Buy a new hat with these three pesos, etc.

3.) in expressing a polite request, e.g. Ipalíhog mo akó ihátag sang ákon katahurán sa kay Fuláno. Do me the favour of paying my respects to N.N. (cf. ig—, iga—, ika—, inog—).

i, A suffix used in the passive impersonal imperative, in the passive negative present, and in the passive negatived past of verbs having a passive in—an, e.g. patíndog—to set up, build. Patindogí (walâ níya pagapatindogí, walâ níya pagpatindogí) sing baláy iníng lugár. Build (he is not building, has not built) a house on this pot.

íka—, A verbal prefix like "i—", but with the additional meaning of the adaptability of a material to, or the possibility of, an action. Indì ko pagibalígyà iní sa ímo. I will not sell you this. Índì ko ikabalígyà iní sa ímo, kay dílì ákon. I cannot sell it to you, for it does not belong to me.
ilin—,—ilin—, This prefix and intercalation conveys the same meaning as "in—,—in—" 2). The syllable "il" is prefixed to "in" either for mere euphony's sake or to emphasize still more the frequency of, or the great number of participants in, an action. (cf. ilináway).
in—,—in—, The prefix in—and the intercalation—in—are often used:

1) instead of gin—and na—to form the past passive, e.g. inabután (ginabután, naabután) from abút—to arrive; binúhat (ginbúhat, nabúhat) from búhat—to make; hinadlukán (ginhadlukán, nahadlukán) from hádluk—to fear, etc.

2) to denote an often repeated action or an action by many, e.g. nagahinámpang (nagahilinámpang, nagahalámpang) silá—they are playing. (hámpang—to play); nagagiliniósgíos silá—they are moving. (gíos—to move).

3) to form verbs from adjectives, e. g. támad—lazy. Indì ka magtinamád. Don't be lazy.

4) to form a great number of adjectives, e.g. mainamlígon—careful from ámlig—to be careful, etc.

inog—, A verbal prefix related to and often identical with i—, ig—, iga—, but preferably used in expressing circumstances of time or instrumentality. Ang mga ádlaw nga inogpuása. Fast-days. Tión na nga inoglakát. It is now time to set out, to go or walk. Adlaw nga inogpangabúdlay. A work-day. Adlaw nga inogpahúay. A day of rest. A holiday. Bató nga inoggalíng sang maís. A stone for grinding corn. Papél nga inogsulát. Writing paper. Batakán nga inoglúlan sang mga sakayán. A crane for loading ships. Inogbák-ong—a shroud, sheet, cover. Inogbalítwà—a lever, bar for raising heavy loads. Inogkaláham (inogpangaláham)—the sense of touch, sensation through contact. Inogsagámsam—taste, the sense of taste. Inoglaráwan—for use in painting, carving, photography, etc. etc. (cf. inug—id.).
isigka—, A prefix denoting equality of condition. Isigkabanwahánon; isigkatáo; isigkasologoón; isigkamamantálà, etc. A co-citizen; a fellow-man, neighbour; a fellow-servant; a co-editor, etc. (cf. isig—).
isig—, A particle denoting equality of condition, but, unlike isigka—, prefixed to the personal pronoun and not to the root, e.g. Ang isigmokatáo—your neighbour. Ang isignilakamagtotóon—their fellow-teacher. Ang isigninyokamananákay—your fellow-passenger, etc.
ka—, A prefix of very wide use in the formation of abstract and collective nouns as well as of an exclamatory superlative which nearly corresponds in meaning to the English "How——!" e.g. álam—kaálam (wisdom, learning); písan—kapísan (diligence, application); píntas—kapíntas (cruelty); ángot—kaangtánan (connection); lábut—kalabtánan (participation, implication); uyáng—kahinguyángan (outlay, expenditure); bátà—kabatáan (childhood; children); baláy—kabalayán (houses, collection of houses); támad—katámad sa ímo! How lazy you are! Dásig—kadásig siníng kabáyo! How swiftly this horse runs! gáhud, galúng—kagáhud kag kagalúng sináng mga bátà! Oh, the noisiness and boisterousness of those children! lisúd—ay, kalisúd! Oh, what a heavy cross! After superlative adverbs like lakás, lám-ag, dúro, masyádo, támà, túman, etc. "ka" is either prefixed to the adjectives or takes the place of ma—, e.g. Dalók—greedy. Lakás kadalók. Very greedy. Layâ—dry. Masyádo kalayâ. Very dry. Maitúm—black. Lám-ag kaitúm. Very black. Madálum—deep. Dúro kadálum. Very deep. Matámbok—fat. Támà katámbok. Very fat. Dakû—large. Túman kadakû. Very large, etc.


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