Friday 24 January 2025 19:03:48 PHT

Hiligaynon-English Dictionary

Search the complete text of Kaufmann's 1934 Visayan-English Dictionary.

Searching for prefix* in all English words. 72 entries found; entries 61 to 70 are shown.

tag-, A prefix denoting ownership or actual performance of what is implied by the term which it is attached to, e.g. tagpanghun-áhún-a—thinker, one who thinks out a plan, originates an idea, or the like; tagbúhat—maker; taghámbal—speaker. (cf. tig—, manog—, manug—).
taga-, A prefix denoting;

1) Origin or source, e.g. tagamanílà— native of Manila; tagabáybay—one who lives near the coast (beach); tagabúkid—a native or inhabitant of the mountains, a mountaineer. Tagadiín ikáw? Where do you come from? Where were you born? Where do you live? What place do you belong to?

2) Attached to words indicating parts of the body taga- denotes the height or depth as measured by that part of the body, e.g. tagatúhud—up to the knees, knee-deep; tagalápaw——more than man-deep, rising above the head of a man. Tagaháwak karón ang túbig sang subâ. The water of the river is waist-deep at present. Tagaílok ang túbig sang pagtabók námon. When we crossed the water came to our armpits.

tagu-, tago-, A prefix related to, and partaking of the meaning of, tag-, tig-, inog—and manog-.
tig-, A prefix denoting the agent, time or season of what the root implies, e.g. tigpalamunít—the season for fishing with hook and line, from bunít, pamunít; tigpalanyagá—dinner time, dining hour, from panyága; tigpalamúgo—the time when the chickens come home to roost, from púgo, pamúgo; tigilítlog—the egg-laying season, from ítlog; tigsápul— a councillor, adviser, from sápul; tigtampálas, tigpasipála—a wretch, criminal, felon, blasphemer, etc., from tampálas, pasipála; tigsákdag—a helper, supporter, advocate, from sákdag, etc. etc. (cf. tag-).
tinag-, A prefix used with numbers, making them distributive, e.g. tinagápat—four each, of four each, each containing four units; tinagpúlò—ten each, etc.; tinagwaló—eight each, etc. (cf. tag-).
tubók, To submit, yield, surrender, give way, but mostly used with paprefixed and in a negative sentence. Indì siá magpatubók. He won't give in. He will not back down. (cf. pasúpil, padaúg, paubág, patubalíng).
ika-, This prefix is very often used for the formation of nouns, e.g. ikabáyad—resources, assets, wherewithal, cash; ikagásto—money to be spent, expenses to be paid, funds, pecuniary means; ikabúlig—source of help, means, assistance, expedient, support; ikatakús—worthiness, capacity, dignity; ikasángkol—capability, attainments, accomplishments; ikaláin—disadvantage, drawback, loss, injury, calamity; ikasabát—a ready answer or reply, etc. etc. (cf. inóg-).
ika-, A prefix that goes to form ordinal numbers, e.g. ikagatús—hundredth; ikalíbo—thousandth; sa ikapúlò níya ka pagbálik—on his tenth return; sa ikaduhá ka púlo'g limá ka ádlaw—on the twenty fifth (day), etc. etc.
inm-, -inm-, A verbal prefix (intercalation) corresponding to nag- and naga-, which are at present much more commonly employed than the rather old-fashioned inm- and -inm-. Ginmíkan (naggíkan); ginmigíkan (nagagíkan); sinmákà (nagsákà); sinmálig (nagsálig); sinmasálig (nagasálig); tinmotóo (nagatóo); dinmápit (nagdápit); dinmángat (nagdángat); inmabút (nagabút); inmúrut (nagúrut), etc. etc.
kina-, A prefix frequently used to form (abstract) nouns and (intransitive) verbs, e.g. kinabúdlay—toil; to toil (budlay); kinasádya—mirth, merriment, celebration; to make merry, etc. (sádya); kinagánsal—noise, boisterousness; to be noisy, etc. (gánsal), etc. etc.


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