Wednesday 19 February 2025 23:33:11 PHT

Looking from Afar

Your own webmaster's ramblings on subjects related to Bohol and the Philippines, looking from half-way around the globe.

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3 articles found.

Date Title Views
15-06-2011Proposed Panglao International Airport makes no Sense366
For many years, the possibility of an International Airport on Panglao has been in under discussion, and it now seems closer to reality than ever before. However, we believe that there is no justification for a new international airport in Bohol.   Read more...
25-02-2008The OLPC and Education in the Philippines93
As you might know, I have been following Negroponte's OLPC project with more than a keen interest. The vision of having a very cheap, but powerful laptop in the hands of kids as an educational tool appeals to me strongly. However, I remain critical.   Read more...
03-03-2006The 100 dollar laptop and the Philippines223
Recently the head of the US based MIT Media Lab, Mr. Nicholas Negroponte presented a prototype of the 100 dollar laptop to UN Chairman Kofi Annan at the WSIS-summit in Tunis.    Read more...