Sunday 16 February 2025 07:02:47 PHT

Hiligaynon-English Dictionary

Search the complete text of Kaufmann's 1934 Visayan-English Dictionary.

Searching for paki in head words. 2 entries found.

paki—, A verbal prefix denoting an attachment to, a wish, desire or love for, what the root implies, e.g. pakitábang—to desire, wish, ask for help; pakibulág—to wish for a separation or divorce, etc. Pagpaki—stands for the infinitive, nagapaki—, magapaki—, magpaki—stand for the present, future and imperative respectively. Magapaki—and nagpaki—are often shortened to maki—and naki—(cf. pakig—, maki—, naki—).
pakî, Twisted, crooked, bent (abnormally), awry; wry, bandy, bow, distorted; to become twisted, etc. Nagpakî ang íya kamót, kay binutí. His hand is twisted, because he has had smallpox. Pakî ang íya bútkon. His arm is twisted. (cf. kiwî, hiwî, sambigî).


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