Tuesday 21 January 2025 13:13:13 PHT

Hiligaynon-English Dictionary

Search the complete text of Kaufmann's 1934 Visayan-English Dictionary.

Searching for mag in head words. One entry found.

mag—, A prefix used chiefly in the following ways:

1) to denote the active infinitive, e.g. Hándà na kamó maglakát? Are you now ready to set out? Malúyag akó magtán-aw sinâ. I want to see that. Magtuón ka magsulát sing maáyo. Learn to write well.

2) to form the active imperative, e.g. Maghalín ka dirâ. Be off. Go away from there. Magtúman ka siní. Do this. Fulfil this faithfully. Magkáon na kamó. Now, eat your meal. Go to dinner. Indì ka magbúhat sinâ. Don't do that. Dílì ka magsúgid sinâ sa íya. Don't tell him that.

3) To form the active negative with "índì", expressing a disinclination, objection or lack of intention, e.g. Indì akó magbayó. I am not going to pound rice. I will not pound rice. Nanáy, si Hosé índì magtúman sang ímo nga ginsógò. Mother, José is not doing—or—will not do what you told him. Dì (dílì) siá magtámbong, konó, sa ámon bádù. They say that he is not taking part in our entertainment.

4) To form the past active negative with "walâ". Walâ siá magabút. He did not come. Walâ siá magkádto dídto. He has not gone there. Walâ pa siá magpanyága. He has not had his dinner yet.

5) to form nouns (frequently by reduplicating the first syllable of the root, e. g. magtutúon—teacher (tuón); magbubúlung—doctor, physician (bulúng); magsusúlat—writer (sulát); mag-amáy—father; mag-anák—child, son, daughter; mag-ilóy—mother; magluyó—partner; etc. etc.


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