Tuesday 17 September 2024 20:04:21 PHT

Polaris Beach and Dive Resort

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Polaris Dive Center and Resort

Polaris Dive Center and Resort is located on the small Island of Cabilao, near Lighthouse point, at a nice beach facing Cebu island. The rooms face a nicely designed garden with a large swimming pool. The resort includes a good restaurant, and is connected with a fully equipped dive center.

The resort is run by the German-Filipino couple Franz and Maria Baumann. At the same time, Franz is also the manager and dive master of Polaris Dive Center, and takes an active role in protecting the environment around Cabilao Island.

Given the fact that literally everything (including fresh water for showers during the dry season, and all building materials) has to be brought to the island with banca's, the prices here are very reasonable, at about USD 32 per night for an air-conditioned room with hot shower.

Contact in Switzerland

St�phane Kunz
CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Telefon: +41 31 852 03 28
Handy: +41 79 21 21 700
E-Mail: info.ch@polaris-dive.com

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Polaris Dive Center

Contact Information

Polaris Beach and Dive Resort
Contact Person: Franz and Maria Baumann
Address: Pantudlan, Cabilao Island, 6327 Loon, Bohol, Philippines
Phone: +63 38 505 4118
Phone: +63 918 903 7187
Email: info@polaris-dive.com
Website: http://www.polaris-dive.com/

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