pa—, A very frequently used
prefix with the following meanings:
1) Movement or direction towards, e.g. paidálum—downwards, down; paibábaw—upward, up; nagpamanílà siá. He has gone to Manila. Nagapabugál siá. He is on the road to pride, i.e. he is getting proud, is haughty, overbearing. Nagapadayáw siá. He is vain. Nagapabungúl siá. He is acting as if he were deaf, is stubborn, disobedient, heedless, does not listen, etc.
2) Efficient cause, e.g. Sín-o ang nagpatíndog sang halígi? Who set up the post? Ang isá ka alakáyo saráng makapakádlaw sa mga táo. A joker can make people laugh. Ginpahalín níla ang matámad nga sologoón. They discharged the lazy servant. Patalumá ang binángon. Sharpen the bolo. Pinabálik níya ang sulát. He sent the letter back, etc.
3) Order or command (quite frequently to be performed by a third person), e.g. Patáwga si Pédro (sa) kay Huán. Ipatawág si Huán (sa) kay Pédro. Order (Get) Peter to call John. Padálhi akó sing túbig. Send me some water. Get someone to bring me water. Palutói akó sing panyága. Have dinner prepared for me. Order someone to cook the dinner for me. Palutóa ang kosinéro sang panyága. Ipalútò ang panyága sa kosinéro. Order the cook to get dinner ready. Ipaábat siá. Send somebody—after him,—to call him here, etc.
4) Toleration or sufferance, e.g. Pahampangá lang dirâ ang mga bátà. Just let the boys play there. Pabayái (Pabáy-i) lang silá. Leave them alone. Let them do what they like. Pasakayá (Pasákya) siá sa ímo salákyan. Give him a lift in your vehicle. Let him ride in your car (carriage). Indì mo silá pagpasúgtan. Don't allow them to have their will. Don't grant their request. Don't approve their proposal. Indì ka magpabúang, magpadáyà, etc. Don't allow yourself to be fooled, cheated, etc. Mapapuút pa akó ánay sang ulán kag ogáling mapadáyon akó sang ákon panglakátan. I'll let the rain stop first (I am waiting for the rain to stop) and then I shall continue the march, etc.
N.B. It should be borne in mind that the context alone can determine the exact meaning of pa—(usually, for convenience' sake, called the Causative). Hence in this dictionary when words with the prefix pa—occur, the translation does not exclude meanings other than the one given.