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Hiligaynon-English Dictionary

Search the complete text of Kaufmann's 1934 Visayan-English Dictionary.

Searching for prefix* in all English words. 72 entries found; entries 31 to 40 are shown.

maki—, A prefix denoting an attachment to, a wish, desire or love for, what the root implies, e.g. makipílak—desirous of making money, looking for profit; makitábang—seeking or asking help. Attached to verbs maki-(magapaki-, magpaki-) is used for an incomplete or future action, whilst nagapaki-, naki- and pagpaki- are used for the present, past and the infinitive respectively. Magapaki- for the future is seldom used. (cf. paki-, pakig-).
makig—, See maki—. These two prefixes have the same meaning and may be used promiscuously. Custom and euphony decide which of the two is to be employed in any particular case.
manog—, A prefix denoting occupation with what the root or term implies to which it is attached, e.g. manogarádo—a plougher; manogdumúg—a wrestler; manoghábul—a weaver; manoglála—a basket-weaver, one who makes wickerwork; manogabút—one about, or expected, to arrive; manogkádto—one about to leave or go somewhere, manogtapús—one about to finish or complete (his studies, a job, etc.). N.B. Very frequently the prefix manog—produces a shifting of the accent of the term to which it is attached, e.g. manogdumúg (dúmug); manoghábul (habúl); manogtapús (tápus) and many more. (manug—id.).
mapa—, A prefix composed of "ma" and "pa—". Sán-o mo mapabúhat ang ímo bág-o nga baláy? When shall you be able to have your new home built? "mapa—" frequently stands for "magapa—", e.g. Sán-o ka mapamanílà (magapamanílà)? When are you going to Manila? Ang mga matárung mapalángit, ang mga mamatáy sa salâ nga ikamatáy mapainpiérno. The just will go to heaven, those that die in mortal sin will go to hell. (cf. nagapa—, naga—, pa—).
masigka—, A prefix denoting equality of condition, e.g. masigkatáo—a man like ourselves, a fellow-man, neighbour. (cf. isigka—).
na—, A potential verbal prefix denoting the past tense passive and corresponding to the future ma—It can frequently be translated by "got, was, became", e.g. nagútum siá. He was hungry. Nadakúp siá. He got caught. Nabúdlay siá. He became weary (tired, exhausted). Na—is often interchangeable with gin—, though the rule is that gin—should be used, when the agent is expressly stated and na—, when the agent is not determined, e.g. gingubâ sang bágyo ang ámon baláy. Our house was destroyed by the hurricane. Nagubâ ang ámon baláy. Our house was destroyed.
nag—, A prefix denoting the past tense active (transitive and intransitive), e.g. Nagsilíng siá sa ákon——. He told me——. Nagsulát siá sing binaláybay. He wrote a poem. Sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ? Who did it? Who has done it (that)? Nagdálum ang búhò. The hole has become deep. Nagláin ang íya ginháwa. She (has) swooned. She did not feel well. Naghalín na siá. He has gone away. (cf. nanag—).
naga—, A prefix denoting the present tense active (transitive and intransitive), e.g. Nagahámpang, nagabása, etc. siá. He is playing, reading, etc. Nagahunâhúnà akó nga——. I think that——. Si nánay nagahímos sang panyága. Mother is getting dinner ready. Nagapabugál silá. They are proud. Nagahalín na silá. They are leaving now. Nagadulúm na ang kalibútan. It is getting dark. Nagabahâ ang subâ. The river is in flood. Daw sa nagabúg-at na ang íya ginabátyag. It seems that his condition is becoming serious.
nagaka—, A prefix denoting the present tense and used mostly with intransitive verbs, e.g. Nagakalisúd siá. He is in trouble. Nagakalípay siá. He is glad. Nagakasubô siá. He is sad. (The corresponding forms for the future, imperative and past are "magaka—, magka—, and nagka—"; the infinitive is "pagka—").
nagapa—, A prefix composed of "naga—and pa—" and denoting the present tense active with the added meaning of "pa", e.g.

a.) Nagapamanílà siá. He is going to Manila, is on his way to Manila. Nagapabúkid siá. He is on his way to the mountains.

b.) Nagapabugál siá. He is proud, haughty, takes on airs. Nagapabungól siá. He is deaf to admonitions, etc., he does not want to listen. Nagapaugút siá. He is getting angry, exasperated.

c.) Nagapabúhat siá sing bág-o nga baláy. He is having a new house built. Nagapatíndog siá sing halígi. He is putting up a post. The corresponding forms for the infinitive, future and past are "pagpa—, magapa—, nagpa—, and magpa—" for the imperative.


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